Sunday, 27 May 2007
Welcome to the world. A place of magic, monsters, mayhem and maddening disconnections.
Today was as I could see it one of those days. We as English speakers can not read the quest information, so we really can’t level fast, at all. For us life is a grind of killing and well, disconnecting.
The day started with a trip through the isle of Pukui in the north western sea of the newbie isles. Killing, maiming, then getting jumped by their big brother. This is the life of a level 7 character. Or so I thought. After learning the secrets of weapon upgrading and a few trips back to town a level five weapon was in my hands, at level eight I am still far behind the Koreans, but It’s the fun that counts.

Travelling with my two companions, the new ART member Kamuiix and the mute Poukram, we decided that these Pukui were far too dull and slow, the grind was starting to wear on our minds, a grind that was elevated by jumping off the cliff into the sea. A short swim and a lot of angry mermaids later we arrived in the heart land of the exiled mermen.
You may think these mermen are easy, however when you are at the outer reaches of their domain, you don’t have much chance for backup. Running as fast as your legs can carry you does tend to help you out a lot. And run we did, headlong into the bandit camp, swords at the ready, teeth grinding, ready to pounce, However the problem was that there was naught to pounce upon. The bandits had been pushed out of their homes by a much greater menace, Korean Novices.
Not to be disheartened by our failure we launched a full scale mini siege ion the merman beachhead. Charging through their front lines and setting up camp on the cliff face killing any mermen who dated some our way. The exp was ok, the drops were fantastic. But one by one well fell to the power of the one ring… I mean the one merman, that’s right, we only ever died when the other two of us were, for lack of a better word dozing off….
Shoes adventurer of the universe, and my trousers seems to have had issues with RO2 as when you disconnect right after selling a lot of items, you tend to loose the items, and the money.
However his is worsened when you happen, like me, to loose 1 zeny (10000 rufi) and 8000 rufi, approximately the amount of money you get from grinding to level seven all out. As you can guess I was rather pissed, and stormed off to make a sandwich. Recharged with the power of cheese and ham (a powerful combination to fight the forces of evil I’ll have you know) I rethought my battle plans, and changed my target, and my sights, towards the capital, Prontera.

The whipping seas, the ocean breeze, the one Korean guy who liked my dancing so much he gave me a kiss on the cheek. Yes that’s what adventure is! Pirating too but that’s a story for another day.

As I arrived in the town that I had travelled to so briefly the day before, I Had a plan, I was going to find something interesting, or die several times trying. A short stop to shop for maps in the capital and I burst out of the western gates of the city. To my surprise I saw a cute little cow sized ant thing, cute, but not as cute as that Drops over there!
Look at the cute little drops, he wobbles in such a sweet way doesn’t he? Yes he does, right before he jumps on your face and starts eating you! Drops are aggressive, and have PMS the likes of witch I’ve never seen, these guys are fast and they don’t give up till you are in their belly!
That running I mentioned before? Running is your friend!

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