A pictures worth a thousand words
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
It has been a long time since I last left Hodemines back to the continent, Traveling bights the sights and monsters I have defeated before on my travels, I feel greatly weaker from my past travels. I guess it’s time for me to train once more. However first I decided to share some of my defeated foes portraits with you, Some friendly, some, not so friendly.

Author: Syaoran » Comments:
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
It has been reported to me that a trojen may be lurking on this site. I have found no such bugs. If you experence any problems or find "Midgard sky" poping up in a spyware search please reply to this post with as much setail as you can!
If you are a Web buff and beleve you could find anything lurking in my html/xml/javascript template please send me a PM through the ART forums and i sill send you back the code.
Author: Syaoran » Comments:
A Lufia appears! Pikachu I choose you!
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Traveling through Hodemines had become a droll experience. Quests has all become similar, To be honest there isn’t much these humble town folk could need us to do for them, but still we go in droves to assist in their every whim.
Well at least, I did, or better yet I used to.
It was time for me to once again leave Hodemines, There was nothing new for me to explore and no new challenges for me to face. I have explored the known lands and beyond, and Hodemiens just can not compare.
As my last act in Hodemines I was called by Lufia to assist in the extremely exiting job of … item storage…
Lufia had forgotten something back in the tunnels that we all start our adventures. And as you know once you leave you can not come back with anything you have. So she wished me to keep hold of the items while she went back.
Well as you can see I decided to quickly equip her T-shirt and hair pin, Sexy no?
As Lufia vanished through the doorway I made a quick run to the beach and gave her a nice little treat, These hand me down she had been given were tattered and useless for combat, and I knew she would get into a few scrapes if left to her own devices. Hell if we left her alone long enough she’d be the dictator of all of Midgard!
But feeling sorry for her as a fellow adventurer I know how hard having all that tatty equipment is, So I headed off to quickly get it repaired. IT only cost me a couple hundred ruffi, Quite cheap compared to what I’m used to, though I think I was taken advantage of, The blacksmith that deals in the newbie lands isn’t used to people with a wallet quite the size of mine.
As I arrived at the gates of the tunnels I saw Lufia just walking outside. As she saw me wearing her equip she gave a sigh as I laughed manically. Though I did hand them over to her right away. Wishing her luck on her adventures I walked off to the mainland’s once more…
Author: Syaoran » Comments:
An artist’s impression
Friday, 8 June 2007
I was checking through the ART forums today looking to find some noobs posting stupid topics and spamming the place up, You know the normal seeing as no one really checks the forums when I sleep, I wake up to lot of new topics.
But Today I found something awesome. A topic in the artsy forum section by Anime457 (Shana) containing, a wonderful picture of little old me, drawn on Art pad. I first jumped to page 2 and saw the picture of shoes thinking, wow wish I had one. Then looked at page one and, oh lookie I was first.
Id advise everyone to have a look at their work in this topic, I expect a lot more to come, after all with no RO2 what else is there to do in life! And frankly these are all totally awesome!

Author: Syaoran » Comments:
Finger lickin good
Thursday, 7 June 2007
After traveling through the caverns below Hodemines I decided that it would be best if I travels outside and did a few random quests to restock my treasury. After all the insane inflation had started to die down and prices were at an all time low, I could even afford those Armor upgrades I had been eyeing for a few weeks.
However as per usual the world has different ideas. It was night. Hip hip hooray! But after spending that long in the dank underground any sky was good enough for me.
I ran straight to the nearest bulletin board and pulled off a few requests and set off to find out what they needed. The requests were starting to become a little mundane, but all in all I had gotten used to running around from here to there and back again. Now I knew where everything and everyone was I could make short work of these tasks, and before you know it I’m going to be right back in the seat of things traveling across the width and breath of the land.
After traveling to and from the town and fields, oh must have been about 12 times, I came across a happy little bandit with a thing for picking his ear. No mater how many times he picked he always seemed so fascinated in the contents of his finger. I guess this mirrors the urge to adventure in all of us. No matter what we do or where we go, We will always find adventure right by us!
Author: Syaoran » Comments:
A modern beast
Monday, 4 June 2007
Peering through the gloom of the cave the ceiling, the murky water, even my feet were partially, or fully clouded from view. I charged so far and so deep into this labyrinth escape would be almost impossible. The climb back up those slippery rocks past the Vandon hordes would prove a challenge for the most seasoned warrior fresh from rest. And I had run out of provisions and tired from the fight and flight.
I decided my only hope was to start a fire and rest up, boiling what water I could and set out later.
After my quick drink and a short rest, I was awoken by a small repetitive thud, thud, thud. The small shake in the earth grew and grew. The only thing I have seen with such power and size was the remains of the beast, who’s skeleton adorns the walls and floors of the cavern. Perhaps not all of his kin perished in the last great age of beats.

The light thud has turned to a crash, the crash to a clatter of stone. The ground shook constantly and stones shook off the precipice and fell to the water. As I turned to greet the great Vandon-Z Face to face. Jumped backwards to avoid a great smash to the ground I took a quick look at my surroundings. There was no escape. The walls that were once clouded by thick mist and fog, were clear, and the only exit, was guarded by this ferocious relic of a near forgotten war.
My only chance for freedom was to get past this beast, His large size would make you think he was slow, this would however be a fatal mistake. He charged forwards, and with no intention I found myself charging back. I landed many blows on his gigantic claws but did naught by a scratch to this monster. With one final smash to the found I was sent flying backwards, crashing into a Vandon and passing out…..

Author: Syaoran » Comments:
Sunday, 3 June 2007

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog and post comments, be it on the ART forums or here on the blog (all 3 of you on the blog) and may there be many more of these entries!
Author: Syaoran » Comments:
An ancient beast
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Heavily breathing charging full speed through twisting caves and caverns, now knowing what’s coming next. My heart was racing, but I didn’t really have much of a choice, being eaten alive by crazed Vandons and mermen was not high on my to do list!
Things hadn’t gone very well since before, Not to say that I was fine before, but now things were really grim. After running away from the creepy pair I finally managed to find an upwards sloping cave, It kept going up and up too. I was foolishly under the impression I may have found the exit, Well I guys ‘m just good at guessing now am I!
Not long After I started up the slope I started to come to some large underground lakes, Not as large as I had bumped into before, that was ridiculous, but these well, they weren’t connected by land masses. I was forced to constantly and repeatedly jump into the frozen water and swim through small underground caves. This isn’t that bad, but I discovered a new little friend traveling through. Old seasoned Vandon punks.
And This is where I started to run, swim, run swim, as far and as fast as I could. I didn’t even notice the cave sloping downwards, I was just trying to get the hell out of there. As you can guess this also didn’t go to plan.
As I rounded a bend the noise of clattering pincers and claws suddenly died down, I must have out run them, either that or, I was somewhere I really should not be! I stopped for a nice long rest on the side of the cave right by a glowing crystal. I nearly inhaled what little food I had left and realized that if I did not start off now, I would most likely not make it outside.
As I stared off the path I suddenly came to notice the darkness, there were far fewer crystals here making it impossible o see the ends of the cave. That was until I made it to the end of a precipice. Out of the darkness erupted a vast dragon skull, a remnant from the ancient ages long forgotten. Words could not describe my awe. In the water below laid the gargantuan skeleton of this ancient beast.

Author: Syaoran » Comments: