Thursday, 7 June 2007
After traveling through the caverns below Hodemines I decided that it would be best if I travels outside and did a few random quests to restock my treasury. After all the insane inflation had started to die down and prices were at an all time low, I could even afford those Armor upgrades I had been eyeing for a few weeks.
However as per usual the world has different ideas. It was night. Hip hip hooray! But after spending that long in the dank underground any sky was good enough for me.
I ran straight to the nearest bulletin board and pulled off a few requests and set off to find out what they needed. The requests were starting to become a little mundane, but all in all I had gotten used to running around from here to there and back again. Now I knew where everything and everyone was I could make short work of these tasks, and before you know it I’m going to be right back in the seat of things traveling across the width and breath of the land.
After traveling to and from the town and fields, oh must have been about 12 times, I came across a happy little bandit with a thing for picking his ear. No mater how many times he picked he always seemed so fascinated in the contents of his finger. I guess this mirrors the urge to adventure in all of us. No matter what we do or where we go, We will always find adventure right by us!

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