Sunday, 27 May 2007
Today was the day I vowed to one up that pervert armoury owner, I’d find some way to prove I was a high enough “level” to that weirdo. My plan was threefold. First I’d collect enough quest reports to drop on his desk in order to brake it, not very hard, those kefka sure love their paperwork!. Second I’d rampage through the Prontera fields Tearing up any monster I came across, and any novice I came across, there are enough of them to repopulate. And Third, make him a pretty little necklace out of wolf fangs, one from each individual wolf.
As I walked into the armour shop the store keeper turned to me instantly and offered me the armour I had been requesting the day before. I didn’t even get to show him my proof, oh no just slapped them down on the counter and asked for payment. Quite the waste of time! However I had my new armour. Too bad the more defensive armour looked well, Let’s just say I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing THAT! Instead I sacrificed functionality for fashion, lets face it, I’m too good to get hit!

With my new equipment I decided to go on another trip through the lands of Prontera, this time, I’d take no prisoners, take no lip from those Drops, and take pie! It’s a long walk after all.
Leaving through the Southgate I took to the dusty farm roads. Every step throwing up some dust, hard to imagine a dusty path, amidst the lush greenery and farmland. As I travelled closer to the coast the trees opened out a little more and I could clearly see the win rising in the sky with the light creeping over the sea little by little lighting up the waters.

As I travelled westwards the lush green farm land slowly turned to boggy marsh land, as rivers from all over the area turned into a delta, the whole area was green and blue, with small outposts scattered across the lands, left over from some forgotten conflict. This quagmire did not last long, the flat coast land was soon replaced by dry hills leading up a winding path into the mountains.

As I ascended higher and higher up the windy paths, I passed close to several rivers and waterfalls, along the banks of these rivers were outposts of the vicious, yet some what enthusiastic with their banner decorations, mountain bandits. These “vicious” men attempted several attacks on me, and I have to say they have balls of steel. I smashed my shield around their face, they didn’t flinch! I kicked them square in their happy zone, nothing. No thing could phase these guys!
As I travelled around further north I ended up, quickly descending down the mountains and came across the smaller camp of the cat bandits. They act hard but they can be really sweet, I later met one on them inside Prontera, he asked me if I could help him but unfortunately I had to bee off to the palace on the end of my trip.

The last section of my trip was a detailed look through Prontera, and trying to scale different buildings. I managed to climb up a few, that was before the residents started getting annoyed. It was getting later in the day, people were home cooking. The last thing they wanted was to see me clambering past the window then thumping away on the roof. It wasn’t going too badly until this one massive woman… I think I’ll stop there.

Dear Son.
You'll have to ask mummy how to spell JESUS.
I think I ought to proof-read the rest of it, don't you . . .?
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