Sunday, 27 May 2007
The world can be bereft of joy, bereft of laughter, bereft of, a world?
The bell toll tang clear as the gates of the world opened and the light from Midgard shone through the darkness, before being quickly slammed ion my face. As soon as the servers opened and I raced online to chance to Swordman, a different kind of joy grasped my soul, I say joy, and I really mean intense anger and loathing.

As the gates reopened (4 hours later after fixing my pc) I charged head long past the milestones on the road oto Prontera, and as quick as that I had become a swordsman. But this conversion was not so easy as to be expressed in one small stroke. This required a voyage of greater proportions, and thus the repeated traversing of the seas had begun.
The voyage to Hodd, to learn from the great sword master… you know that guy that sells us skill books. As the ship docked I barley managed to jump aboard (literally) and the ship took off. Unlike past voyages with friends or others, I was totally alone. I had no choice but to entertain myself, though with only the sea and myself, There was only one thing to do, and that was to climb.

Exploring the stern of the ship I came across some rigging that climbed the heights right to the main mast, and it was just steep enough that I could climb. The upper deck, normally off-limits to passengers was below me, ready to be exploited! I had my concerns that the captain, a large and self conscious cross-dressing man may reserve this space for his own deeds, though thankfully if this were true today was cloudy and not a good day to be on deck.
A large round trip, the first of many, This time skills were collected and all level five and above skills were stored with he kefka guy, He’s hot, and has a certain charm, though some may raise concerns about no cute maids in town.

Now fashion may not be to everyone’s tastes, but hey, I like male belly shirts, but . . . not this one, a belly shirt come polo shirt come long sleeve. Now this required another trip back to Hodd, and another voyage across the seas. However a quick stop off in my inventory revealed the great secret of jewels, now you may think that strange object you collected that looks like an eye, is an eye, or some strange item, however due to the miracle of modern magics these jewels can transform your weapon, imbuing it with special powers, and changing its style considerably.
Now these new styles shall depend on your job as well as your weapon, I decided that the monsters in the secret levelling pot did not have the potential to face this weapon truly in battle. However shoes proved a good target for my power.

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