Sunday, 27 May 2007
Exploration and adventure, that’s what Our role is meant to be, right?
The day started much as any other, an early start for me and my comrades, the fourth in a row and the fatigue was starting to grow. A planned assault on the culverts, ordained by the Prontera guard was to be launched at dawn. The only problem being our commander for the assault, Shoes, had been taken ill with chronic diarrhoea, or he overslept. I can not be sure.

Waiting in Prontera and talking to the citizens I heard many tales of the far off lands, and of great machines and a city thick in smoke and darkness. The allure of adventure was too great, the trip had to be made.
A small hike to the docks later, and resisting the allure of the street corner residents, I arrived at the pier, rushing towards the gangplank as the ship readied to depart, One flying jump later and I had made the boat, just.
As the boat closed in on our destination a thick fog started to roll in over the seas however as time rolled on and we approached what I knew to be land the thick fog remained, until out from nowhere a great city, although on further inspection this “great” city was a ruin of epic proportions.

A city of iron and steel, a thick fog, or was it smog, blanketing the floor, wire fences, and frown lifeless earth. I could not stand this barren waste land and left for the city gates as fast as I could. All I found was a great metallic tower, destroyed, ruined in the barren war torn lands. This I could not take, I had travelled too far from the fertile lands, remembering the enchantment placed on me by the kefra to return hone, sure there was a price to pay, but the choking air had taken its toll.
As I reappeared in the capital I came to the sudden realisation that there was no ground beneath my feet, as I landed, head first, in the reservoir. As I sunk deeper before me laid the entrance to the Prontera culverts. A large intertwined network of sewers that my group and I planned to traverse, and seeing as we had nothing better to do, we decided what the hell. We through caution, and our lives to the wind, and lost both. Those little bugs can hit hard, and respawn fast!

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