Maike's newbie journey (CBR 7-8)
Sunday, 27 May 2007
As I went to the mail box to collect the odd trinkets my brother oft sends me on his travels, I came across a strange photograph. The usual sort of picture I get from him is of some great defeated foe, or magnificent piece of scenery he knew I’d love to see one day when I’m allowed out into the world. Though that day I thought was still far off.
Written on the back of the photo was a short message; “I’m going on a long trip, far into the outlands. There’s no mail here so you won’t hear from me for several weeks. I made a promise to Mum and Dad before they died that I would look after you, but you’re now old enough to travel by yourself”
Amazed at the contents of the message, and not wanting to read anymore mail just incase he sent another letter changing his mind; I grabbed some supplies and ran off in search of adventure.

I ended up in a rather dark and gloomy underground, well serer I suppose. This wasn’t the first choice of places to travel to, nothing like the mountains and forests my brother has seen. But I knew I had to press on, and I wouldn’t let some tunnel stop me!

As I traveled further down the tunnel I came across a small message board standing just off the main path. To my surprise there was a notice posted asking for help from an adventurer. They needed someone to, find a scroll or something they had lost. I’m not even sure if they lost it the handwriting was almost illegible. In either case this was my first chance, I ripped the notice off the board and headed down the tunnel.

To my surprise the man I had to inquire about the quest looked, well dead. I couldn’t blame him, he did seem to spend an awful long time in this sewer, I can only hope he was looking for this scroll and not staying down here by choice. I waved the notice in front of him and handed it to him, from arms reach I might add, He have me a side wards glance as it to wonder if I was up to the task, however I don’t think this area gets many visitors so he reluctantly filled me in on what needed to be done.

A while ago he had dropped a letter for his friend in some supplies that were being carried through the sewer, he wanted me to find the supplies and get back that letter, and then deliver it to his friend who was closer to the exit. Well Not wanting to hand around, the smell was getting to me at this point I ran off down the cave to where I found some boxes.
It wasn’t hard to find the letter, The first box I cracked open had it sitting just on the top, In fact it was the only thing in the box, how he could spend so long down here was beyond me. I grabbed the letter and ran further down the tunnel. This place was starting to seem as if it was closing in on me.

As I approached the exit I found this pretty girl looking around as if she had gotten kidnapped and dumped in this awful place. I asked her if there was anything wrong and she looked at me, glanced at my hand and started thanking me. Turns out she was the creepy guys friend that I was to deliver the letter to. Could have been his girlfriend, I can understand why he didn’t want her to see him after he’d been down here.
As I came further out of the tunnel I was met by a massive door, wide open yet I couldn’t see how anyone could possibly close it, Far too impractical. Either way I climbed the stairs to the door and went through. As I emerged from the darkness my eyes were overwhelmed with light momentarily, until I was finally outside. Strangely the door behind me stood closed, and it as dark outside, I have no idea how Long I was in that tunnel either.

The air outside was so refreshing after going through those sewers, so clean and crisp. I was wondering just where I had ended up at this point though. I could see the sea in the distance and there were trees all around, along with those Pukui that Syaoran had sent me pictures of weeks ago. A little bit down the path I ran into a strange guy, he kept swinging his sword around. Though he was a really good guy. He pointed me down the road and told me there was a special route for novice adventurers to follow, from one notice board to another.

He marked my map with magic, to show a small red dot where I needed to go. I started off down the road and it was a bit of a trek, but I eventually visited several people and had a small introduction to fighting monsters. As I found the last set of items I needed to please one of the people I had visited along the path I came across a large stone bridge in the south west of the small island. It was starting to get early and I was feeling quite hungry so I decided to try to hunt down a bakery or at least a grocery shop.
As I was walking down the road in town I walked past another notice board, however this one was totally covered in requests for adventures. These even had some good rewards. One reward was a big load of bread. Taking down the quest information I ran off to find my would be employer.

As It turned out the owner of the Item shop was after some random items dropped off some strong monsters. He was a little cautious of me going out due to me not having much experience at this sort of thing. I assured him that I could cope, not only because this was my dream to travel and id need to get stronger, but that I was now starving and really needed the reward!

I headed out of the northern gates of town onto another small island. Not really knowing what was going to give up these items on their death bed I started attacking anything, and everything that I thought I could manage. My fists started to hurt from so much fighting. I would have liked to have used the knife my brother left at home that I was carrying around, but Right now I was far worried I’d end up cutting myself.
Sheer hunger ended up driving me towards trying to fight using the knife, I was quite uneasy at first, I’m really not used to this whole stabbing and slashing thing. Though I by the time I’d gathered up the materials I was getting quite good. Though all this fighting was making me extremely tired.

As I started back to town the heavens opened up and it started to pour rain across the entire area. Winds blew up a fine mist and the chilling sea air made it really not nice outside. I ran back to town when I came across a small medical outpost. While taking shelter in the tent I spoke to the assistant. Apparently this is where adventurers go to sell their items, stock up on supplies and recover their wounds after getting knocked out and brought back by others. I turned out my bag and asked him is I had anything worth selling. After a few seconds he quickly grabbed up several items and handed me a large bag of coins. I could hardly believe it so much money for such little work, all be it extremely tiring and rather dangerous work.

After running back to the item shop, and savoring the bread, The best I’d ever had by the way,, I decided to head over to the armor shop and pick up some new clothes. My experience outside had taught me that Equipment was essential, that if I was going to get anywhere near my brothers level I’d have to be prepared. The shop had a large array of different pieces of clothing, After picking out a new shirt, some gloves and a pair of trousers I went to try them on, but without any changing rooms I had to duck behind the shop to make sure no one was peeking.

After picking up my new clothes I headed back outside. The second most thing to food I knew to be money. And I knew from recent experience that fighting things outside and taking their things was a great way to make some fast money. The money I had started my trip with was running low, even after the boost from my first short adventure.

I traveled around the path and decided to take a quick dip into the water as it was a lovely sunny day, after the rain had cleared up that was. I tried my luck at catching some fish, but they did not want to be cached! After I tried to spear a fish with my dagger it quickly darted out of the way and started attacking me. By the time I had fled to the shore more dark storm clouds were rolling in. I was soaked to the bone and If I couldn’t find anywhere to shelter I’d freeze.

I saw fro the beach what looked like a small dock, there didn’t seem to be any encloses spaces and the structure was pretty open, but there would be a roof over my head at least. As I got closer I noticed there was a small, unoccupied ticket booth at the front. I hopped over the front desk and took shelter inside. It wasn’t warm but the wind couldent get to me. Thinking to myself as the storm passed, about my short adventure so far, all be it a wet one. I had enjoyed myself, quite a lot. I had never felt such a thrill as when I had traveled around these islands. I knew my trip had only just begun. But thinking of what was ahead for me, the wet and cold didn’t feel so bad.
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