Sunday, 27 May 2007
Browsing the armour in certain shops, It always takes up vast amounts of time doesn’t it? Well Replace the words and statistics with Klingon and I might have a chance to understand just what they do. Though I doubt that Kaplah and Karrack will be used much.
Inquiring on the coast on some nice breast piece, The store keeper informed me of certain restrictions on the purchasing of equipment. According to him I required to be of a certain “level” to wear this armour. Well not one to understand just how fighting vast swarms of rabbits and cows helps me put on a shirt with some pads. My theory is that this guy has sat in his store the past 20 years and has formed some sick fetish involving wasting vast amounts of time of all that wished to shop with him. Though I was not going to let him get to me, And that armour would be mine!

Travelling out into the Prontera fields was starting to become a frequent event. Weapons wear down and armour gets easily destroyed from the wild beasts in these farms. The blacksmith became a close friend and due to his conversing with many adventurers from all over he had become a wealth of information. Through his frequent advice I was able to find many tasks from the residents of Prontera.
After having my equipment fixed up and shining He directed me towards the tavern, apparently the waitress there has frequent contact with the farmers south of Prontera from their frequent shipments, as well as relaying their advertisements for assistance through her. After selling her some items of interest she told me of some work that was needed out in the fields, and I had no idea just how much work.

Travelling the roads of Prontera can wear you out as it is, But travelling wile carting along large amounts of equipment, harvesting crops, milking cows, sorting our bug infestations, even rescuing lost possessions stolen by the mice men. It all adds up to some very tiring work! However with lots of work comes lots of experience in the ways of “life” as that demented shopkeeper put it.

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